
Written by Esther Hu庄芷


Years ago, a friend is about to enter the wedding hall, invited several friends to her home dinner, is not only a symbolic farewell to the single life, but also allow us to share her joy would be bride. That in addition to those of us close friends, her sister is also here, after dinner we sat around chatting, a friend suggested we take turns, one of them said a blessing of the bride, then the blessing words can not be repeated, so she got a variety of different blessings.

Everybody readily agreed, they start you a word, a phrase I speak my mind for her blessing. In addition to wish her a happy marriage, Jian flounder affectionate, and always be in love outside, even as early as Takako, children and grandchildren, even our laughter also have baked. After a burst of noise, the bride’s sister, shook his head, smiled and said:! “You can really blessing” surface “ah fact, as long as she could, and the other half is often a blessing to each other in the future, you will get the blessing of the most” substantive “in the . ”

What a blessing “substantive” in? “We were the group of uppity girl, she really did not understand the meaning of words, then straight exclaimed to her explain.

At that time, she has been married for many years laughing, while earnest: ” and the other half of each blessing, is not only ask for two people to meet their own, but to learn to do a suit other people , so as to support each other help, but also will allow both sides to get the blessing of the most “substantive” ah! “□

Yet I was the word boudoir, to hear these words are not fully understand, and now as the man’s wife, then a mother, and then think carefully, which seems to be more able to 咀嚼出 the taste!

Self blessing
When God created the universe, and then made ​​them male and female, the first thing is to bless them. In addition to the enjoyment of all human beings between heaven and earth than are rich, has also been given the responsibility and care of human losses, is to properly manage our land. Visible to obtain the so-called real blessing, not just idle nothing is something, but to pay for the care of the environment and things, and make the responsibility to take care of the management, but also while trying to enjoy one of the delicious and sweet. □

So if we want to own real blessing, in addition to first understand their precious value in God’s eyes, good build optimism outside positive direction in life and self-confidence, but also to do more to enrich in every respect, not only to make their own lives continuous improvement, constantly updated, and bring benefit to others or things. Therefore if we desire to be blessed, is not banking on all day in life, can always encounter the element of surprise, “elegant” or “adventure”, on the contrary, it touches to always bless myself, so that my mind filled with kerosene lamps, not only enjoy life in its fullness, but also warm and brighten someone good to be a blessing for people transferred and become every blessing in their environment.

Appropriate blessing
but sometimes we anxiously looking forward cut, can bring some blessings for their spouse or children, but often had touched the money and frustration, because the other side in the ungrateful attitude, or intense tough rally And when you feel sad sad it, may wish to think about what we wish for a spouse or child of a blessing, and whether their personality, interests, and talents commensurate with it?

Bible in one of Israel’s first patriarch Jacob all, when he was twelve sons blessing, everyone is in accordance with the “blessing” blessed them, that is, according to their personality and behavior of different qualities, respectively, to bless their future and the future. Therefore, we should believe that God created us when, already were under the special blessing gift, it is because of these blessings, we each have a different temperament, preferences, and talent, and we will build on these characteristics, as we themselves, their families, friends, and even exposure to the environment with the transaction, directly or indirectly, to bring the essence of blessing.

Help and support
with this knowledge in the future, we will not easily issued the ambition, attempting to portray his spouse a “Mr. exemplary” or “standard wives’ behavior of children who are not strong preset blueprint of life, or wanton beatings press. When and where they frustrated frustrated; it can be a grateful heart, learn to observe discover God in them, there are those special blessing and a gift, and then often to encourage and positive words, trying to help them play a specialty , cheer to provide effective assistance and support.

While many people in the world believe that the narrow, long to have beautiful, intelligent, educated, and everything goes well, is to embrace the blessing. But it was also the only club broader vision and wisdom can sometimes has recognized the shortcomings and deficiencies, the gift of God’s blessing under the make-up of the so-called “blessing in disguise, blessing in disguise,” is it not this mean?

Blessing from God’s nature, and “help” and “help” is the most God-given “essence” of the “blessing”, so if we can be full of gratitude, to look at their surroundings, you will find In fact, a variety of the most “substantive” blessing, had bits and pieces scattered in every corner of our passing path. While also relying on these blessings, we can lively life, capable of living, as well as the abundance of love to God and the people singing the “full blessing of the Lord” in praise chant praise.

~ This article is blowing website (www.touchlife.org) agreed to publish later, grateful.


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