究竟男人想要什么?Men Want

Written by Rinatta Paries


Heterosexual men and women that want to get something, and the other real needs starker

Women think men want to know something, which makes them heterosexual full of resentment and anger, but also allow them to develop a beautiful and romantic love without faith. What men think women want to know, which is born of the negative feelings of the opposite sex with a woman is no different, in addition to them there is a sense of frustration. If we can understand: Whether men, women, first of all they are human beings, and she wanted him actually about the same ! The situation would be different, but my words may not be universally-all, you may have your own experience.

I had to ask a few male and female friends , who in order to establish some perfect relationship, being actively improve and explore the needs of the opposite sex . In answer they receive, some really unexpected, when you think you want to put a man there to get something from a woman, and women think men want to make a comparison, you can find some tips for women treat men These suggestions can help you understand the desired sex and attract really good man, the achievements of a happy relationship.

1. The man needs at the right time, with your sincere and loving emotional communication.

Honest communication is the preferred men. They want women to answer questions honestly, and perhaps even take the initiative to provide information. They want women to confidently claim their desire needed to be met. They want women to see the facts in the matter of goodwill exchange will inform the other party had the whole story. Man wanted in exchange sexes overly picky, pay attention to each other to maintain self-esteem of women.

Women think men want them to make the surface of the article, a woman on his best wishes silent, and not to mention to mention all. Women think men believe they want too much, and too sensitive, men just want to let them give up everything. Some women think that men do not allow them to tell the truth, because frankly they will be abandoned.

“Give women their good ideas”:

Good man and does not need to be frank and open communication with criticism and anger. Learn to effectively communicate your immediate needs, this is a good way to attract good men, to establish satisfactory romance.

2. Men need to self-sufficiency, self-reliant, confident women.

Men want a woman because of the need to find a partner and choose them, rather than in physical and emotional, like catching a life-saving straw camel desperately. Men also need to find a partner, but they want to partner with its own personality and identity. Men need women to actively active, independent, and have their own friends and hobbies. On the other hand, men will treasure and a compassionate companion to spend time.

Women think men do not want to “women need them.” Women think men do not need or do not cherish the time spent together. I believe if a woman told him she needed a man, just as a cold water splash to the other side, he would have lost interest, but also might run away.

“Give women their good ideas.”

In fact, men want what women want, they need a complete and independent partner. There is a way to attract good men and establish some lively affair, and that is a woman to create a happy life for themselves.

3. Men do not want a relationship which has been manipulated to control.

Men do not want to be subject to any form of manipulation. They do not want to know the partner’s thoughts are thinking, nor brainer to resolve the signal emitted by a lover. When in love, they do not want to be forced not ready to fast forward. They do not want things getting worse at the time, was forced to bear all the blame. They also want to be passive side in the game.

Women think men do not need or simply do not want any communication. Women often makes the means, by manipulating to obtain desired. Women think men prefer to be reminded each other, their relationship needs further development. And men do not need or do not get any praise treasure, so women tend to chatter and criticism.

“Give women their good ideas.”

Men do not want to endure any form of manipulation. Want to attract good men and build the perfect romance, would at any other time in your life, meet each other for their own needs. When requesting him to grasp the opportunity to learn to master his emotions and style. But also to learn to recognize and give praise.

4. Men need to see each other’s growth, and assume responsibility for their own actions.

Men also have the courage to be a partner with a sense of humor. They want to see a woman in a relationship and have their own space. Emotionally, she must be strong. Men want women to develop themselves and to be responsible for personal feelings.

Women think men just want pleasure. Women think men for the development and growth of a relationship no interest. Women think men want is a super model type of woman, but they never considered whether a woman emotionally mature, kind, caring or support them.

“Give women their good ideas.”

Men need emotional maturity of females. Does not mean a lack of emotional maturity. It means responsibly to master their feelings. Want to attract a nice man and build a perfect romance, will be responsible for their own emotions .

5. Men want a woman to love faithful, selfless dedication.

Is absolutely no loyalty or lack of. In fact, men want a woman never wavefront flow, inconstant, but the whole person into the marriage relationship. Many people will give a definition of loyalty and dedication, plus willing to make efforts for a relationship, even when the environment becomes worse.

Women think that all men want is sex, men will inconstant, defected to another more beautiful face. Women think men can not be trusted to love loyal to Fuji. Women believe men do not want the effort to emotional relationship; women think once things start getting worse, they will run away.

“Give women their good ideas.”

To women who believe that all men are liars feeling good news: a man with a woman, for fast and loose and “eyes too active” pour enough appetite. Good man knows how to build the perfect romance, and they know loyalty is a major factor in the perfect romance.

6. Men need to know how to treat their women.

Many women treat men the way they are brought low self-esteem, makes them feel manly enough. In fact, men are more willing to do for a woman when they give more praise and recognition, women are more willing to express their enthusiasm and gratitude.

Women think men do not need them, do not respect their opinion, support and praise. Women also think men treat many critical things indifferent to women, which is why women are always criticize a man, because criticism is dissatisfied with the way a woman catharsis.

“Give women their good ideas.”

Most men are willing to get the woman of praise and gratitude. Learn to identify, rather than blame for what is wrong , one of the most powerful way to getting a lasting relationship.

“Your Love Coach: Rui Nada · Palise”

Do you know how to attract the ideal mate it? Do you know how to build a happy relationship? How to meet the required recycling feeling in the world do? Love coach Rui Nada will teach you the skills and ability to help you attract the opposite sex, long-term, healthy partnerships. Please visit our website for more good articles. Help you attract the opposite sex, the establishment of healthy relations between the sexes is a good helper finally coming!

I suggest you read the related articles: men need respect, women need love Respect & Love

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