
Written by Bruce Gordon葛博实


By Translator: Mao Yaqin

Over the past two years, Rick Warren’s book “The Purpose Driven Life □ built-oriented purpose of life,” a book shocked the publishing world. It is not only outstanding performance in Christian and general study; As I write this article, it is in the New York Times Magazine ranked the fourth best-selling book; it has been crowned the top spot on the charts in recent years.

Why is this book will cause so much commotion? I think the most important reason is that it referred to the deepest depths of the heart of each person’s needs. We have thought of a meaningful life. Whether we are conscious that we were created for a purpose, and when we make our living trance purpose of our life is satisfactory.

This is valid not only for individuals, but also can be used in whole families being. God for your home also has a purpose. You can use the God-given gifts and resources to love □, and love the people around you.

When you decide to live there objectives and directions of family life, please keep in mind a few ideas:

One, □□□□□□□□□□ purposed to pursue a goal of life

Targeted life force can not easily be crushed. There is a saying, “aimless, there is no income.” Not without some truth in.

As leaders, we have for ourselves, and the entire family life responsibly. We can not take responsibility threw opportunity to others, even our spouse. Double reverse paddle, never expect to go there too. Same as the husband and wife, you must know whither □ go and work together. This is concentric.

If you never make the decision to participate spouse, now is the time. To pray together, read the Bible reveals God to let the mind, how your everyday life too. You can also refer to a book, “The Purpose Driven Life”, please pay careful attention to your family as a whole book on what is the significance? Another set undisturbed time to discuss □ God said something to you? Lord courage to plan and achieve their goals in the Lord wholeheartedly.

If you have older children, you can also get them to join the discussion. Of course, the main decision-making power in the hands of their parents, but your kids will have some interesting and creative advice is worth adopted. Remember that one of the elements to achieve their goals is to make everyone are truly proud of.

Two, □□□□□□□□□□ setting priorities

Paper, or lip is useless. You must have made the right decisions every day. A little inattentive, we will for many minor things too busy working.

Fifteen years ago, me and my brother a small plane taking off individual (Piper Aerostar). At that time I was making plans for their goals in life. I found that I totally focused on achievement orientation □ How to get my family to get more material satisfaction, but in the process, but few pay on their own.

When I looked at my list, I found my propeller suddenly does not move, my engine failed completely. I again look at my list, I found that God spoke to my heart, □ asked me two questions: ‘? Who is your life’s most important person’ ‘? How do you want your life too. “I suddenly realized that I must re-adjust my priorities. It is really important turning point in my life watershed.

If you are distracted because of minor things, I challenge you to re-introspection your priorities. How do you spend your time, money, and effort? They are really so important?

Three, □□□□□□□□□□ maintain flexibility

“Champions” theme song lyrics (I Did It My Way), does not apply to family. If the family has to play a high-efficiency features, each member shall be for the benefit of the whole family, put down your liking.

Bottom dennis and I always wanted to have my own house. But in order for us to obtain a university degree three sons smoothly, we suspend the plan. Of course, the kids have to pay the price, but we did not find such a sacrifice in vain. The children not only to complete their studies, but also their wives to marry quite educated. We recently just bought a double joint construction of residential (Town House), officially ending the tenancy career. To enter the housing market is now trading is not an easy task. However, we wish to commemorate □ God promised many years before the first child, the house after .

Four, □□□□□□□□□□ help find a godly person

Do not be too proud to ask for help so. Whether you and your family now what circumstances, people have to go far away than you, but also provide appropriate assistance.

We might be facing financial difficulties, friends passed away, or make life difficult for parents and other challenges …. Printing of the book can give you some help, but not replace these exchanges between people. Especially those in your life, play an important role in people’s position.

Five, □□□□□□□□□□ actively live out every day color

I used to say to myself: “When I finish this or that, I come to spend a good time with his family ….” I suspect you had a similar experience. But sadly, we always have endless things. Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow is so great that “tomorrow” may never come. Harry □ Money Bin has a song “Cats Cradle □” profound impact on me:

My child just born,

He came to this world very ordinary.

I was busy all day to catch plans and pay the bills.

When I’m not at home, he learned to walk;

When I was not looking, he has learned to speak.

He grew bigger and bigger, and told me:

“Dad, I grew up to be like you.

Dad, I grew up to be like you. ”

□ cradle cat sitting on a silver spoon

Melancholy little boy and a man on the moon hanging

“Dad, when are you coming home?”

“Son, I do not know when I go home?

But I must go home with you,

We will be very happy to play. ”

A few days ago, my son just turned ten years old.

He said: “Thank you for sending me the ball Dad, you hurry to play with.

Can you teach me to throw the ball?

I said: “Not today, there are a lot of things to do.”

He said: “It does not matter.”

When he goes farther, the smile has not diminished.

He said: “I grew up to be like him, yeah.”

“You know, I grew up to be like him.”

If not properly treated, then, even if it is the pursuit of a noble goal will be an obstacle. You never want to put your family on the altar of sacrifice. So, no matter how you intend to do so, a sincere face self. Let your family know that they are the highest priority in your life. When you walk hand in hand, when the family, the journey of life will be richer and brighter.

~ Bruce is a senior consultant, president of Campus Crusade for Canada. He and his wife Janice end, often only as “Family Camp marriage” of speakers. They also help individuals or organizations to play a team the best leadership skills.


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