Nancy Marmolejo helps creative and entrepreneurial women hone in on their core strengths to turn ideas into action. She helps both the wildly creative and the mildly creative launch innovative ideas, enter new markets and build upon natural talents. Nancy lives in Anaheim, California with her husband and daughter. 马南茜帮助有创意及创业的妇女砥砺她们内心力量, 将想法付诸行动。她帮助将大胆或是细微的创意付诸于新观念, 进入新市场及扩展自然的天赋。你可以通过网站 www.ComadreCoaching.com与南茜联络, 有免费赠送的书籍等著你喔!《现在就可以具备创意质素!四种简易的工具全面提升你的创造力(“Get Creative Now! Four Simple Tools to Boost Your Creativity from the Inside Out”)》之拷贝及获奖的刊物《实现梦想之袋“The Pocket Comadre” 》.