
Written by Kristin Feenstra克丽斯丁


Alas, miserable! Two days ago my friend Alisha and I fell out . Because I inadvertently told the guy that she likes me and Alisha revealed some say, and I did not think it would offend her. I do not like the idea and Alisha, I do not think there is so important, you can not tell thing. But it was too bad, she and I had a falling out. I may have to think about the good, the decision about how to handle the kind of conflict we have two people do.

Yes, I was a little over the copies. Yes, I do not want her because I like people say the wrong word, then I lost the key and Alisha year friendship. But how do I do now? Is to choose to let it go, to ignore it and hope the problem will go away slowly, or tell her a clear, the problem resolved. I finally decided to face the reality and make it clear it.

Conflict, originally a part of life , is part of friendship. You make friends with anyone, sooner or later will inevitably encounter some conflict, certainly there will be.

Many friends shallow post because there is no basis to smooth deep friendship similarities and differences, and therefore there is a disagreement dispute, disappeared without leaving a friendship. Unfortunately, even with those friends will lead to friendship broken by the conflict.

Come, show your friends and enemies to resolve five coup, let you of sunny haze for it!

The first and most important thing that happened afterwards, we must immediately find a way to make it clear with each other . Oh, to be as soon as possible! In my experience, such a thing pass angry friend fastest, and soon, all your friends will know about it and began to comment. Ah, this is not right direction? This is not quite right … absolutely certain. . In particular, if the messenger is not the party worse. Most people will take sides, rumors a mass chaos, will make friends into enemies, everyone rehabilitation other’s angry. So you have to get angry with people who talk directly and not be influenced by others irrelevant.

Conflict should solve the problem of the day. My parents were married, but to comply with the principles of a fight of the night, they will not be angry with each other on the bed of air, but the problem is solved in the day to put out, the next day they start over, clear all the hatchet.

I know I need some time to calm down, to restore a rational person is no longer angry. However, for some people, count to 100 and then the speech is a good way that you can try. Anyway, you’re not to make things too long delayed is. That, or you do not look at each other, know that we can be different opinions, you can tell each other though you may not agree with each other’s views, but you cherish the friendship between each other. To try to use the other’s point of view things . Sometimes you sit down and talk about each other, you will understand why there is such a view each other. You know everyone from different places, have different talents, abilities and characteristics. For example, you might be a natural leader at home, but he is not a love-something people like to go along with others. You may think he does not determination, but no matter what qualities you have, you have to understand the people are different and have different features, you have to respect each other.

You have to do something, this trick is a bit more difficult . With the dispute when you do the first person to apologize. That is wrong, or the other side, you can also say, “I’m sorry you feel like this.” Or, “I’m sorry I offended you like to make.” If you sincerely and wholeheartedly’s good that your Friends will most likely change of heart. To say the feeling of the heart, such as □ “When you do this, you make me feel stupid □” You say your feelings are stupid, the other is usually not refute.

To focus on the big picture. Take the face of conflict, although very Gan □ have to try to solve the problem, eventually you will not only win back the friendship will make the friendship deepened, more worthy of ah!

Do not accuse the other side of the word , do not say “you” how to how to’s.

Thought to be smart . At the appropriate time to find the answer, we must know to listen to each other talk at the appropriate time. Do not underestimate the importance of listening. The most important thing is to do it sincerely. You’re not going to conquer the other side, the focus is to solve the two of you good odds views. To find a way to bury the conflict between friends is certainly not the most pleasant thing, but will lead to more profound friendship after a successful but it is worth it. I suggest you read the related articles: Friends as a mirror of best friends no longer disappear when friendship and sorrow Friends

Forms: askus_chines


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